The Bystander Prevention Programme

We are proud to be delivering The Bystander Prevention Programme to all students at OBHS. The programme is funded through the Safer Streets Fund 3 and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Norfolk who were awarded funding to deliver bystander programmes in Norfolk Schools.

An introductory assembly was held for all students during the week beginning the 7th November, followed by all students undertaking their first session on the 6th December. Session 1 focussed on the language that we, as a community, use – and whether this language creates a culture which either supports, or does not challenge, sexism. The session focussed on defining both misogyny and misandry, and exploring the language people use without prejudiced intention which might lead to the encouragement of sexism within a community.

Further sessions will follow throughout the Spring and Summer Term.

Community • Ambition • Respect